La Danse de l'Allure I
Hervaz | Navarro
@aylen_hervaz +
Fashion & Fine Art
Print only (framing option available upon request).
Printed on high-quality cotton paper using the Giclée process.
Limited edition of 7 copies.
Each print is individually numbered and hand-signed.
Worldwide shipping available (inquire for details).
Format Options
45 × 30 cm
60 × 40 cm
90 × 60 cm
120 × 80 cm
150 × 100 cm
180 × 120 cm
La Danse de l'Allure II
Hervaz | Navarro
@aylen_hervaz +
Fashion & Fine Art
Print only (framing option available upon request).
Printed on high-quality cotton paper using the Giclée process.
Limited edition of 7 copies.
Each print is individually numbered and hand-signed.
Worldwide shipping available (inquire for details).
Format Options
45 × 30 cm
60 × 40 cm
90 × 60 cm
120 × 80 cm
150 × 100 cm
180 × 120 cm
La Danse de l'Allure III
Hervaz | Navarro
@aylen_hervaz +
Fashion & Fine Art
Print only (framing option available upon request).
Printed on high-quality cotton paper using the Giclée process.
Limited edition of 7 copies.
Each print is individually numbered and hand-signed.
Worldwide shipping available (inquire for details).
Format Options
45 × 30 cm
60 × 40 cm
90 × 60 cm
120 × 80 cm
150 × 100 cm
180 × 120 cm
La Danse de l'Allure IV
Hervaz | Navarro
@aylen_hervaz +
Fashion & Fine Art
Print only (framing option available upon request).
Printed on high-quality cotton paper using the Giclée process.
Limited edition of 7 copies.
Each print is individually numbered and hand-signed.
Worldwide shipping available (inquire for details).
Format Options
45 × 30 cm
60 × 40 cm
90 × 60 cm
120 × 80 cm
150 × 100 cm
180 × 120 cm
La Danse de l'Allure V
Hervaz | Navarro
@aylen_hervaz +
Fashion & Fine Art
Print only (framing option available upon request).
Printed on high-quality cotton paper using the Giclée process.
Limited edition of 7 copies.
Each print is individually numbered and hand-signed.
Worldwide shipping available (inquire for details).
Format Options
45 × 30 cm
60 × 40 cm
90 × 60 cm
120 × 80 cm
150 × 100 cm
180 × 120 cm

La Danse de l'Allure VI
Hervaz | Navarro
@aylen_hervaz +
Fashion & Fine Art
Print only (framing option available upon request).
Printed on high-quality cotton paper using the Giclée process.
Limited edition of 7 copies.
Each print is individually numbered and hand-signed.
Worldwide shipping available (inquire for details).
Format Options
45 × 30 cm
60 × 40 cm
90 × 60 cm
120 × 80 cm
150 × 100 cm
180 × 120 cm
The Dance of Allure
Charlie Navarro and Aylen Hervaz co-produce a series of photographic works that fuse fashion and fine arts.
On a canvas where excess has no place, the muse engages in a dialogue with absence. She moves with the grace of one who understands the value of empty space, the power of a contour that defines more than it encloses. Like Matisse in his studio, there is a cut of light that needs nothing more than its own presence to delineate form, a subtle texture in the shadow, almost a caress on the surface that receives it, a dance of light and darkness that is a symphony in a minor key.
There is minimalism in her step, a stripping away of all superfluous adornments where natural beauty manifests in the simplest gesture, in a curve that seeks to be nothing more than what it is. The muse advances, and her dance is a poem that needs no voice; her movements are verses, and the light that captures them is the chorus that returns again and again, the same yet always different, in a game where repetition is variation and discovery.
And in this setting where art becomes more than representation, a tribute to the essence of Matisse, the muse becomes the embodiment of visual poetry. It is here, at the intersection of light and movement, where beauty unfolds in its purest form, a beauty that is nothing more than the truth of the captured instant, of the suspended moment, of the eternity that fits into a blink with which we contemplate the work and recognize ourselves in it—participants in the dance, readers of the poem, spectators of the art.
@aylen_hervaz +
Fashion & Fine Art
Print only (framing option available upon request).
Printed on cotton paper using the Giclée system.
Limited edition of 7 copies.
All numbered and hand-signed.
Worldwide shipping available (inquire for details).
La Danse de l'Allure
Charlie Navarro y Aylen Hervaz co-producen una serie de obras fotográficas que fusionan moda y bellas artes.
En un lienzo donde el exceso no tiene lugar, la musa dialoga con la ausencia. Se mueve con la gracia de quien comprende el valor del espacio vacío, el poder de un contorno que define más de lo que encierra. Como Matisse en su estudio, hay un corte de luz que no necesita más que su propia presencia para delinear la forma, una textura sutil en la sombra, casi una caricia sobre la superficie que la recibe, una danza de luces y sombras que es una sinfonía en tonalidad menor.
Hay un minimalismo en su paso, un despojo de todo adorno superfluo donde la belleza natural se manifiesta en el gesto más simple, en una curva que no busca ser más que lo que es. La musa avanza, y su danza es un poema que no necesita voz; sus movimientos son versos, y la luz que los captura es el coro que regresa una y otra vez, el mismo pero siempre distinto, en un juego donde la repetición es variación y descubrimiento.
Y en este escenario donde el arte se convierte en algo más que representación, un tributo a la esencia de Matisse, la musa se vuelve encarnación de la poesía visual. Es aquí, en la intersección entre luz y movimiento, donde la belleza se despliega en su forma más pura, una belleza que no es más que la verdad del instante capturado, del momento suspendido, de la eternidad que cabe en un parpadeo con el que contemplamos la obra y nos reconocemos en ella, partícipes de la danza, lectores del poema, espectadores del arte.
@aylen_hervaz +
Fashion & Fine Art
Impresión sin enmarcado (opción de enmarcado disponible bajo pedido).
Impresión en papel de algodón con sistema Giclée.
Edición limitada de 7 copias.
Todas numeradas y firmadas a mano.
Envíos a todo el mundo (consultar).

Artista emergente, diseñadora, modelo y creadora de contenidos audiovisuales de alcance internacional. Apasionada del arte, el fashion & lifestyle y la decoración. Su filosofía de vida está moldeada por el yoga, la lectura y el cuidado personal.
Su mirada abarca desde el arte hasta producciones de moda, diseñadas bajo un concepto contemporáneo, con un lenguaje fresco y cercano. Su trabajo como artista incluye la idea e interpretación de fotografías junto a
Emerging artist, model and creator of international audiovisual content.
Passionate about art, fashion, lifestyle and decoration.
She approaches art from fashion productions designed under concept Contemporary, with a fresh and e/ose language. His work as an artist includes the idea, creation and interpretation of photographs with Navarro.
Fotógrafo de moda y fine art. Apasionado por el método giclée.
Formado bajo la influencia de la fotografía francesa del siglo xx, se desarrolla como fotógrafo editorial, realiza campañas para revistas y marcas de la industria de la moda.
Logra la mejor expresión en su trabajo con el desnudo femenino, el retrato en blanco y negro y los espacios que narran emociones. Retrata personas, lugares y momentos.

Fashion and fine art photographer. Passionate about the giclee method.
lnfluenced by 20th century french photography, he developed as
editorial photographer, makes campaigns for magazines and brands of the fashion industry.
He achieved the best expression of his work with the female nude, the portrait in white and black and the spaces that narrate emotions. lt portraits people, places and moments.

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